Prior to his appointment in 1983 to the clarinet section of the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, David played in the orchestras of the Stratford Festivaland the National Ballet of Canada. He has been a guest player with the National Arts Centre Orchestra and L'Orchestre Symphonique de Montréal. His chamber music work includes the Festival of the Sound. David is considered one of the finest bass clarinettists in North America and is Canada's leading bassethorn player.
Mr. Bourque has produced extensive work in film & television sound recording and he is widely published in sound, electronic media and print. He has taught at Indiana University and the New World Symphony. and currently teaches at the University of Toronto Faculty of Music.

Working The Single Reed
Instructional Video - $12

La Valse
Bass Clarinet in B Flat - $7.50
Working the Single Reed -- Instructional Video
--James Campbell, Professor of Clarinet, Jacobs School of Music
The Bass Clarinettist's Workbook
--Annotated orchestral excerpts
--First editions of wind octets attrobuted to W.A. Mozart
"On Orchestral Bass Clarinet Playing"
--co-authored with J. Lawrie Bloom, Chicago Symphony